 * Syncany,
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Philipp C. Heckel <>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.syncany.operations.init;

import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.simpleframework.xml.Serializer;
import org.simpleframework.xml.core.Persister;
import org.syncany.config.Config;
import org.syncany.config.DaemonConfigHelper;
import org.syncany.crypto.CipherException;
import org.syncany.crypto.CipherUtil;
import org.syncany.crypto.SaltedSecretKey;
import org.syncany.operations.daemon.messages.ShowMessageExternalEvent;
import org.syncany.operations.init.ConnectOperationOptions.ConnectOptionsStrategy;
import org.syncany.operations.init.ConnectOperationResult.ConnectResultCode;
import org.syncany.plugins.UserInteractionListener;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageException;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageTestResult;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferManager;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferSettings;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.MasterRemoteFile;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.RemoteFile;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.files.SyncanyRemoteFile;

 * The connect operation connects to an existing repository at a given remote storage
 * location. Its responsibilities include:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Downloading of the repo file. If it is encrypted, also downloading the master
 *       file to allow decrypting the repo file.</li>
 *   <li>If encrypted: Querying the user for the password and creating the master key using
 *       the password and the master salt.</li>
 *   <li>If encrypted: Decrypting and verifying the repo file.</li>
 *   <li>Creating the local Syncany folder structure in the local directory (.syncany
 *       folder and the sub-structure) and copying the repo/master file to it.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Philipp C. Heckel (
public class ConnectOperation extends AbstractInitOperation {
	private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConnectOperation.class.getSimpleName());

	private static final int MAX_RETRY_PASSWORD_COUNT = 3;
	private int retryPasswordCount = 0;

	private final ConnectOperationOptions options;
	private final ConnectOperationResult result;

	private TransferManager transferManager;

	public ConnectOperation(ConnectOperationOptions options, UserInteractionListener listener) {
		super(null, listener);

		this.options = options;
		this.result = new ConnectOperationResult();

	public ConnectOperationResult execute() throws Exception {
		logger.log(Level.INFO, "");
		logger.log(Level.INFO, "Running 'Connect'");
		logger.log(Level.INFO, "--------------------------------------------");

		// Decrypt and init configTO
		ConfigTO configTO = null;

		try {
			configTO = createConfigTO();
		catch (CipherException e) {
			logger.log(Level.FINE, "Could not create config", e);
			return new ConnectOperationResult(ConnectResultCode.NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR);

		// Init plugin and transfer manager
		transferManager = createTransferManagerFromNullConfig(options.getConfigTO());

		// Test the repo
		if (!performRepoTest(transferManager)) {
			logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Connecting to the repo failed, repo already exists or cannot be created: " + result.getResultCode());
			return result;

		logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Connecting to the repo was successful; now downloading repo file ...");

		// Create local .syncany directory
		File tmpRepoFile = downloadFile(transferManager, new SyncanyRemoteFile());

		if (CipherUtil.isEncrypted(tmpRepoFile)) {
			logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Repo is ENCRYPTED. Decryption necessary.");

			if (configTO.getMasterKey() == null) {
				logger.log(Level.INFO, "- No master key present; Asking for password ...");

				boolean retryPassword = true;

				while (retryPassword) {
					SaltedSecretKey possibleMasterKey = askPasswordAndCreateMasterKey();
					logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Master key created. Now verifying by decrypting repo file...");

					if (decryptAndVerifyRepoFile(tmpRepoFile, possibleMasterKey)) {
						logger.log(Level.INFO, "- SUCCESS: Repo file decrypted successfully.");

						retryPassword = false;
					else {
						logger.log(Level.INFO, "- FAILURE: Repo file decryption failed. Asking for retry.");
						retryPassword = askRetryPassword();

						if (!retryPassword) {
							logger.log(Level.INFO, "- No retry possible/desired. Returning NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR.");
							return new ConnectOperationResult(ConnectResultCode.NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR);
			else {
				logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Master key present; Now verifying by decrypting repo file...");

				if (!decryptAndVerifyRepoFile(tmpRepoFile, configTO.getMasterKey())) {
					logger.log(Level.INFO, "- FAILURE: Repo file decryption failed. Returning NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR.");
					return new ConnectOperationResult(ConnectResultCode.NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR);
		else {
			String repoFileStr = FileUtils.readFileToString(tmpRepoFile);

		// Success, now do the work!
		File appDir = createAppDirs(options.getLocalDir());

		// Write file 'config.xml'
		File configFile = new File(appDir, Config.FILE_CONFIG);;

		// Write file 'syncany'
		File repoFile = new File(appDir, Config.FILE_REPO);
		FileUtils.copyFile(tmpRepoFile, repoFile);

		// Write file 'master'
		if (configTO.getMasterKey() != null) {
			File masterFile = new File(appDir, Config.FILE_MASTER);
			new MasterTO(configTO.getMasterKey().getSalt()).save(masterFile);

		// Shutdown plugin

		// Add to daemon (if requested)
		if (options.isDaemon()) {
			try {
				boolean addedToDaemonConfig = DaemonConfigHelper.addFolder(options.getLocalDir());
			catch (Exception e) {
				logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot add folder to daemon config.", e);

		return result;

	private boolean decryptAndVerifyRepoFile(File tmpRepoFile, SaltedSecretKey masterKey) throws StorageException {
		try {
			String repoFileStr = decryptRepoFile(tmpRepoFile, masterKey);

			return true;
		catch (CipherException e) {
			logger.log(Level.FINE, "Could not decrypt the repository file", e);
			return false;

	private SaltedSecretKey askPasswordAndCreateMasterKey() throws CipherException, StorageException {
		File tmpMasterFile = downloadFile(transferManager, new MasterRemoteFile());
		MasterTO masterTO = readMasterFile(tmpMasterFile);


		String masterKeyPassword = getOrAskPassword();
		byte[] masterKeySalt = masterTO.getSalt();

		return createMasterKeyFromPassword(masterKeyPassword, masterKeySalt); // This takes looong!

	private ConfigTO createConfigTO() throws StorageException, CipherException {
		ConfigTO configTO = options.getConfigTO();

		if (options.getStrategy() == ConnectOptionsStrategy.CONNECTION_TO) {
			return configTO;
		else if (options.getStrategy() == ConnectOptionsStrategy.CONNECTION_LINK) {
			return createConfigTOFromLink(configTO, options.getConnectLink(), options.getPassword());
		else {
			throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled connect strategy: " + options.getStrategy());

	private ConfigTO createConfigTOFromLink(ConfigTO configTO, String link, String masterPassword) throws StorageException, CipherException {
		logger.log(Level.INFO, "Creating config TO from link: " + link + " ...");
		ApplicationLink applicationLink = new ApplicationLink(link);

		try {
			if (applicationLink.isEncrypted()) {
				// Non-interactive mode
				if (masterPassword != null) {
					logger.log(Level.INFO, " - Link is encrypted. Password available.");

					SaltedSecretKey masterKey = createMasterKeyFromPassword(masterPassword, applicationLink.getMasterKeySalt());
					TransferSettings transferSettings = applicationLink.createTransferSettings(masterKey);

				else {
					logger.log(Level.INFO, " - Link is encrypted. Asking for password.");

					boolean retryPassword = true;

					while (retryPassword) {
						// Ask password
						masterPassword = getOrAskPassword();

						// Generate master key
						SaltedSecretKey masterKey = createMasterKeyFromPassword(masterPassword, applicationLink.getMasterKeySalt());

						// Decrypt config
						try {
							TransferSettings transferSettings = applicationLink.createTransferSettings(masterKey);


							retryPassword = false;
						catch (CipherException e) {
							retryPassword = askRetryPassword();

				if (configTO.getTransferSettings() == null) {
					throw new CipherException("Unable to decrypt link.");
			else {
				logger.log(Level.INFO, " - Link is NOT encrypted. No password needed.");

				TransferSettings transferSettings = applicationLink.createTransferSettings();
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new StorageException("Unable to extract connection settings: " + e.getMessage(), e);

		return configTO;

	private boolean performRepoTest(TransferManager transferManager) {
		StorageTestResult testResult = transferManager.test(false);

		logger.log(Level.INFO, "Storage test result ist " + testResult);

		if (testResult.isRepoFileExists()) {
			logger.log(Level.INFO, "--> OKAY: Repo file exists. We're good to go!");
			return true;
		else {
			logger.log(Level.INFO, "--> NOT OKAY: Invalid target/repo state. Operation cannot be continued.");


			return false;

	private String getOrAskPassword() {
		if (options.getPassword() == null) {
			if (listener == null) {
				throw new RuntimeException("Repository file is encrypted, but password cannot be queried (no listener).");

			return listener.onUserPassword(null, "Master Password: ");
		else {
			return options.getPassword();

	private boolean askRetryPassword() {

		if (retryPasswordCount < MAX_RETRY_PASSWORD_COUNT) {
			int triesLeft = MAX_RETRY_PASSWORD_COUNT - retryPasswordCount;
			String triesLeftStr = triesLeft != 1 ? triesLeft + " tries left." : "Last chance."; ShowMessageExternalEvent("ERROR: Invalid password or corrupt ciphertext. " + triesLeftStr));
			return true;
		else {
			return false;

	protected File downloadFile(TransferManager transferManager, RemoteFile remoteFile) throws StorageException {
		try {
			File tmpRepoFile = File.createTempFile("syncanyfile", "tmp");, tmpRepoFile);
			return tmpRepoFile;
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new StorageException("Unable to connect to repository.", e);

	private SaltedSecretKey createMasterKeyFromPassword(String masterPassword, byte[] masterKeySalt) throws CipherException {

		SaltedSecretKey masterKey = CipherUtil.createMasterKey(masterPassword, masterKeySalt);
		return masterKey;

	private String decryptRepoFile(File file, SaltedSecretKey masterKey) throws CipherException {
		try {
			logger.log(Level.INFO, "Decrypting repo file ...");

			FileInputStream encryptedRepoConfig = new FileInputStream(file);
			String repoFileStr = new String(CipherUtil.decrypt(encryptedRepoConfig, masterKey));

			logger.log(Level.INFO, "Repo file decrypted:");
			logger.log(Level.INFO, repoFileStr);

			return repoFileStr;
		catch (Exception e) {
			logger.log(Level.INFO, "Invalid password given, or repo file corrupt.", e);
			throw new CipherException("Invalid password given, or repo file corrupt.", e);

	private void verifyRepoFile(String repoFileStr) throws StorageException {
		try {
			Serializer serializer = new Persister();, repoFileStr);
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new StorageException("Repo file corrupt.", e);

	private MasterTO readMasterFile(File tmpMasterFile) throws StorageException {
		try {
			Serializer serializer = new Persister();
			return, tmpMasterFile);
		catch (Exception e) {
			throw new StorageException("Master file corrupt.", e);